Our Story

Our story started like this...
The origin of many handicraft creators can often stem from a personal need, which is how ours came about as well – from a personal need to make our diet and lifestyle a little healthier.
We had heard a lot about the health benefits of apple cider vinegar, and since we had already tried our hand at making it at home, it was a natural progression to start producing hand-crafted apple cider vinegar ourselves.

Slow and Steady
We planned our vinegar production well ahead of time. We made our first batch with the summer apples from our garden in 2014. And it wasn’t just apple cider that accidentally turned to vinegar but an intentional creation of vinegar.
For several years, it remained just an idea. Then finally, late in the summer of 2017, we founded the company, set the first batch of raw apple cider to ferment, and in the spring of 2018, we rolled out our first products – classic apple cider vinegar and apple cider vinegar with honey.

We Only Create Products That We Would Use
Our story matches our company principle: we’re happy to use and believe in every new product we offer. This is why all our new products are thought through thoroughly, both in their taste and their design.

Positive Feedback Inspires Us
The positive feedback from our customers inspires us to create new products. For example, our honey-ginger-lemon Shrub was bottled in concentrated form after only 2 years of offering it to our customers in a diluted formulation, demonstrating the kinds of exciting beverages that can be made with vinegar.
To date, we have already marketed six different flavours of Shrub drink base; Switchel, a haymaker’s drink that is unique to the Estonian market; health shots created in collaboration with TalTech, and much more.
Numbers speak for themselves!

"If making choices is about food and pure flavors, I always prefer Estonian, and especially Saaremaa, whenever possible."

A Slice of Saaremaa
All of our products carry the ‘Saaremaa ehtne toode’ (Authentic Saaremaa Product) label.
What Do We Value?

- Enjoying Life
- Compassion and Love
- Quality and Passion
- Unspoiled Nature
- Personal Communication
- Local Raw Materials
- A Healthy Lifestyle
- Small Producers
- Getting Involved in Charity