100% natural products
Excellent tastes from Saaremaa
The flavors and ingredients of Wösel products are carefully thought out, and you can be sure that there are no unnecessary additives.
Saaremaa Food and Drink Brand
Wösel’s story and principle is that every product has to be something we are happy to consume ourselves and believe in, so every product is carefully thought through in terms of design and taste. We have already launched five different flavours of the Shrub drink base, Switchel, a haymaker’s drink that is unique on the Estonian market, health shots developed in cooperation with TalTech, apple cider vinegars, and much more.
Handmade in Saaremaa island
100% natural products
No additives
Free Shipping to Parcel Machine from 60 €
"Authentic Saaremaa Product" quality certificate
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If making choices concerns the food table and pure flavors, I always prefer Estonian and especially Saaremaan food whenever possible. Products made from the pure nature of Saaremaa and made by the hands of local people seem to have magical powers.

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My work, training and passion for bikini fitness require a lot of dedication and definitely discipline. What I offer my body and how I stimulate it is very important to me.

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